I've always been a dog person. We had a big, furry, fluffy mutt that was part Husky, Collie and God knows what else when I was growing up. So it was only natural that before we gave kids a shot, Hubby and I opted for a "condo size" dog (since we lived in a condo at the time). Then, we proceeded to infuse him with our neurotic behavior to see if he would survive - which he did - so we gave kids a try. And then came a couple of fish, only 1 of which we could keep alive (and it's actually not an original but don't tell Abby) and finally the cat.
Yes, the cat. The cat that would rather not be here in our house, but roaming the woods looking for the next hot kitty daddy to impregnate her (she arrived at the MSPCA pregnant and it never occurred to me that she enjoyed being an outdoor cat). She does resurface on occasion to roam around the house and try to escape through the garage, and then at night she retreats to my daughters bed, curls up in a ball, and sleeps soundly.
So, when I went downstairs to the basement the other day to the playroom where we keep her litter box, I was a little peeved that she didn't seem to keep her tinkles in the box and she didn't bother to cover it up. Damn cat. So I told hubby, cuz cleaning the litter box isn't my thing. He cleaned up her mess, added some litter, and went about the day. Later that night my husband noticed there was more liquid around the litter box and on top of the litter box cover. What the??...it had to be something else.
Him: "Kids! Did you pour water on top of the cat's litter box?"
Daughter: "No! No!"
Son: "No! But I peed in it."
Me: "What??? You peed in the litter box? You don't pee in the cat's litter box. That's her only place to pee..." And I'm sure he heard, "Womp womp, womp, womp".
Apparently, twice that day when he was playing in the basement he thought he'd ignore the fact that we have three bathrooms and just let it go in the litter box, on it's cover, and on our floor. Super. No wonder the cat hates me...I blame her for everything.
But today we seemed to round the corner - and as I sat on the couch, doing some surfing on the 'net, with the kids out at a movie with Dad (2 hours ALONE today), she made her way towards me with a funny look in her eye. Almost like she wanted to hang for a bit. And before I knew it, she was next to me on the couch - not curled too close - but resting close enough so I could hear her purrr...perhaps to say "Thanks for keeping your kids pee out of my box."
Save that story as blackmail when your son is 16 and has a girlfriend!
OMG, that is priceless. I'm surprised I haven't had the same thing happen here.
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